This environmental satire created by Anthony Ithurralde focuses on the Southern Nevada Water Authorities.
The SNWA is planning to build a pipeline to pump ground water 300 miles south from Spring Valley and Snake Valley, on the Utah/Nevada border, to Vegas. Great Basin Park , environmentalists, and people living in this area feel that if the water is taken from this fragile location, then it will turn these valleys into dust bowls. Would this also harmfully affect the air quality around neighboring communities like Salt Lake?
Even though there never was an elaborate Vegas club in Lehman Caves, (located in the west mountain range of Snake Valley) the cave did host events and dances in the 1920's.
In these following illustrations, the loud, pushy guests are not in tune with their surroundings. They are drunk from the Snake and Spring Valley water.
Our Artwork:
“Lehman Cave Vegas Club”
These pieces, as well as Anthony’s other work, can be viewed and purchased on his website.